UPSC Decoded
CourseLearn how you can CRACK UPSC in a single attempt. Hear from 8 national toppers the answers to 16 important questions that make or break your UPSC exam preparation. Get clarity of doubts, exclusive insights, and toppers' recommended study techniques.
Success Mastery Programme
BundleSuccess Mastery Plan is a unique and innovative programme to help students in the journey of scoring more marks, cracking exams, and achieving their Life Goals by developing growth mindset, building positive habits and learning.
The Secret Code Of UPSC Toppers
Course5.0 average rating (3 reviews)The course revolves around 3 Pillars of Success in any competitive exam which are Self-study, Strategy & Study Techniques.
Topper Study Hacks (JEE/NEET)
Course5.0 average rating (7 reviews)The course is based upon success story of 100 JEE/NEET/Board Toppers whom I have interviewed in last 15 years.The course talk about Planning, Goal setting, Common mistakes made by stds, Secrets of Toppers, Sharpening problem solving & many more tips.
Success Blueprint for Competitive Exam (Banking/SSC/Railway/Defence)
Course4.9 average rating (40 reviews)The course revolves around 3 Pillars of Success in any competitive exam which are Self-study, Strategy & Study Techniques.
Student Success BluePrint
(Class 6-10 Students)Student success Blueprint is a unique and innovative programme to help students in the journey of scoring more marks, cracking exams, and achieving their Life Goals by developing growth mindset, building positive habits and learning.