Course Module

    1. Why Emotional Intelligence?

    2. Lesson Summary

    3. Action Plan

    1. The Five Dimensions Of Emotional Intelligence

    2. Lesson Summary

    3. Action Plan

    1. Becoming Self Aware

    2. Lesson Summary

    3. Action Plan

    1. Regulating Emotions- The Amygdale Hijack

    2. Lesson Summary

    3. Action Plan

    1. Powerful Social Skills

    2. Lesson Summary

    3. Action Plan

    1. Domains of Emotional Intelligence and Understanding Non Verbal Communication

    2. Lesson Summary

    3. Actin plan

About this course

  • ₹999.00
  • 18 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

Emotional Intelligence – Awakening the leader in you.

Course valued at Best Price of 1999 Grab it Now!